EXTREME88 has been widely known and trusted by many bettors. Thanks to transparent and fair betting activities, the betting system is modern and safe for bettors. Besides, it is the reputation that we have built up over time. The reputation of us is most clearly shown in the fact that members can withdraw money comfortably without fear of fraud or scam. EXTREME88 withdrawal transactions are always simple. You can withdraw winnings anywhere, anytime. Let’s learn more about how to cash out quickly.

Full EXTREME88 Withdrawal Process For New Players

Withdrawing winnings from bookmakers is not simple, it is a big concern for bettors in the Philippines. To easily cash out, you need to choose a highly reputable bookmaker. EXTREME88 Gaming will help members withdraw winnings in the simplest way possible. Our team always supports members to withdraw money. What steps will an EXTREME88 withdrawal process include? Let’s find out the detailed steps.

EXTREME88 Withdrawal

Create a PIN code

Many bad guys break into players’ accounts to withdraw their balances. Therefore, it will be dangerous if the members’ balances are not well secured. To protect the money in betting accounts, we strengthen security with PIN codes. Each player should create their PIN code. When withdrawing, you must enter the correct PIN code to be allowed to withdraw money. Follow these steps to set a PIN code!

Step 1: Log in to the EXTREME88 agent betting page and successfully log in to your betting account. Then select Withdraw on the homepage.

Step 1: select Withdraw on the homepage.

Step 2: You will receive a request to set a PIN code. Click “Go Setting” to get started!

Step 2: Click "Go Setting" to get started!

Step 3: A form will appear to fill in the information. Newbies, please enter the PIN code you want to create and re-enter it to confirm. The PIN code must not be in sequence and contain at least 2 different digits. Click Submit to complete creating your PIN code.

Step 3: enter the PIN code you want to create and re-enter it to confirm.

Add new account

Members at EXTREME88 can withdraw their winnings to bank accounts or GCash accounts. Therefore, members need to have one of these two types of accounts and must add their account information to their profile. We will transfer your winnings to the account you added to your profile. The steps to add an account are as follows:

Step 1: To add your withdrawal account, click the “Add Account” section.

Step 1: click the "Add Account" section.

Step 2: There will be 2 types of accounts for you to add to your profile, Banking and GCash. Choose one of the two types above and click Submit.

Step 2: Choose one of the two types above and click Submit.

Step 3: Provide complete and accurate account information. The information you need to provide is your name, account name, and account number. Complete adding an account by clicking Submit.

Only accounts whose name matches the registered name are allowed to withdraw funds. Therefore, you will not use other people’s accounts to add to your profile.

Step 3: Provide complete and accurate account information.

Fill in the withdrawal form

Once you have your PIN code and have successfully added your account, you can now make a withdrawal order from EXTREME88. Please fill in the information in our withdrawal form. The steps will be as follows:

Step 1: Members, please select an account to withdraw money to.

Step 2: Enter the amount you want to withdraw. In one withdrawal, you are allowed to withdraw a minimum of 200 PHP and a maximum of 50,000 PHP.

Step 3: Enter your PIN code and click Cash Out to complete.

Fill in withdrawal amount and PIN code

Note Before Withdrawing

The withdrawal process is important for bettors and should not be subjective when withdrawing money. Any small mistake can also cause the withdrawal to fail or encounter unexpected losses. Therefore, to cash out from EXTREME88 to your account quickly and conveniently, please note the following issues:

  • Use a secure personal Wi-Fi network, do not use a public network to avoid losing information. Make sure your internet connection is stable during the withdrawal process.
  • The withdrawal account you add must match the member’s name information. If the information does not match, you will not be able to cash out. Therefore, you can only cash out to your account.
  • The amount you want to withdraw must meet the conditions related to the bet level, withdrawal time, or withdrawal limit. . .
  • The PIN code information must be kept confidential and not disclosed to anyone else. If this information is disclosed, it will pose many risks.

The withdrawal process at EXTREME88 is designed to be very simple, helping new players to withdraw money easily the first time. You do not have to worry much about fraudulent bookies, cheating and not allowing members to withdraw money. We are committed to bringing you an attractive betting environment and always being transparent in all betting and entertainment activities.