Great check-raise trick in Poker and notes

The check-raise trick is a trick that experts often use in the game of Poker. This technique is used because it is highly effective. If you know how to use it, it will bring in a lot of bonuses. However, not everyone knows how to use this technique. In the following article, let’s explore this technique with EXTREME88 and what to note when using it.

What is the “check-raise” move in Poker?

What is the "check-raise" move in Poker?
  • According to experts in the field of Poker, the trick check-raise is understood as checking the cards when it is your turn. To raise the opponent if they raise, it is considered a “turning backward to advance” technique. Initially, you will show that your hand is weak by making a check and then hitting your opponent with a lever. Although this way of playing is considered dishonest, it is highly effective.
  • So why is this technique called the ultimate technique when registering to play Poker? Here is the importance of this technique:
  • Bluff your opponent out of the pot, because if you check, your opponent will reveal their weakness and they will give up. Then you will receive a big pot if your opponent does not check until the last round.
  • Make it difficult for opponents to grasp your cards and how to play.
  • Check if you have a good hand or if you bet high on the flop and face a dangerous card. Checking will help you keep track of the actions of other hands. If the opponent is hesitant when raising, the whole table will be confused, and you will gain an advantage.
  • You can attract more pots.

How to use the check-raise move professionally

How to use the check-raise move professionally

With many ways to play Poker, check-raising is still the choice that many people use. However, not everyone knows how to use this technique, so let’s learn how to use it.

Bluff and Semi Bluff in the check-raise move

  • This is an extremely effective way to play if you are in a situation where you have to act early. Accordingly, people will place check orders to give their opponents a chance to raise, and they will have to give up early if their cards are not good. To ensure this, you need to pay attention to the following influencing factors:
  • Everyone’s play will go in the right direction if the opponent has average or weak cards.
  • It is necessary to clearly understand the raising rules in Poker.
  • Bet x2 the raises of the hands after successfully luring them to raise.
  • This method will be more effective if the pot is not too large. If you don’t have much money, raising will be risky.
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Increase pot when check-raised.

  • Increasing the pot is considered an operation that helps those with strong hands to perform successfully. In this way, people will not have to scare other players into folding, but just need to pay attention to the following points:
  • The more players, the bigger the pot.
  • According to Poker rules, you must sit in the first position to effectively increase the pot. If you sit in the last position, it will be difficult to do.
  • Don’t check too big.
  • If you want to win more pot money, you need to make sure that your hand is stronger than your opponent’s.

Note when applying the Poker technique check raise

Note when applying the Poker technique check raise

When using any playing tips, you need to be careful to use them as effectively as possible. Below are some notes that people need to pay attention to when applying check raise in Poker.

Pay attention to your own and your opponents’ capital

When playing, you need to check your capital before deciding to use the check-raise tip. If the flop has good cards for everyone, you can check the raise. Limit your opponent’s capital before you do this trick. You can also check if you are waiting for a box or lobby.

Check the C bet frequency and size.

The number of times your opponent makes C bets will affect your use of the check-raise technique. Therefore, if your opponent does not bet much on C, you should be careful when applying this technique. When your opponent places a small C bet, your check-raise will be made safer. If they bet big, there will be a polarized area, people will have to fold or bet with them instead of calling.

Know when to use it

You can understand that this way of playing check raises will scare your opponents even if your hand is not strong. However, if they continue to bet as usual, they will fold and lose all their bets. Or you can also be “charged and forced to work” for a large amount of money. Therefore, you need to know when to use it to take the initiative in your hand in the game casino.


The check-raise technique is known as an extremely “cunning” and effective way to play. Promises to help you easily bring in huge amounts of pot money when playing Poker. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand the implementation methods and notes that we mentioned in the article to bring the best possible results.

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